Pay Membership Fee By Mail

You can also pay the annual membership fee of $25 by mail. Please follow the following instructions.

  1. Please write a check for $25 (your annual membership fee) to Assam Foundation of North America and put the information mentioned below on it.
  2. Your e-mail address (on the top-left below your address). This is where we will contact you for confirmation of payment and to get more information about your membership.
  3. The word Membership (on the "Memo" line).
  4. Please mail the check to:

Sarfaraz Taher
President, AFNA
4391 McMenemy Street,
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127


Demo Membership Check 


Pay Membership Fee Online

You can also pay the annual membership fee of $25 online. Please follow the following instructions.


  1. Please click the Donate button to do that. This will take you to the PayPal website on a page for AFNA to complete your payment.
  2. Please fill in the web-form and submit your payment. Please see the following notes  for the two fields to be filled in the web-form.
  3. In the Amount field, please put in $25 for the membership fee. Please also consider adding 2.2% to the total (50 cents). This helps AFNA pay the PayPal processing fee. Thank you!
  4. In the Donation Description field, please put the word Membership.