AKADAMICS - About The Scholarship


What is the purpose of the AFNA sponsored Kaushik Das Memorial College Scholarship (AKADAMICS)?

This is an initiative under the auspices of Assam Foundation of North America to award educational scholarships and mentoring to students who are financially deprived but have demonstrated promising academics. The scholarships are awarded to students pursuing postsecondary education. The objective is to encourage higher education among financially needy students and eventually making them capable of providing for their family.

Who is eligible?
  1. Students seeking to or already enrolled in a bachelor’s degree course in any discipline are eligible; no scholarship is available at this stage for pursuing diploma/certificate level courses.
  2. The applicant should have passed his/her Higher Secondary/Pre-University/CBSE/ISC or equivalent board qualifying examination.
  3. Students of families whose per-head family income (i.e. total family income/total family members) is at or below Rs. 50,000 per year are eligible for the scholarship. Family income refers to the income after deductions for taxes or other purposes. Only direct family members will count towards the total family members.
  4. A potential awardee should be a permanent resident of the state of Assam verified through appropriate documentation.
How to Apply?
  1. For completing applications online click here - Application Form.
  2. For completing paper applications, please print the online form and mail it to the address provided at the bottom of this page.
What is the selection criteria?
  1. There is no minimum academic score, grade or percentage necessary to be eligible for the scholarships. AFNA SSB will use all information provided in the application form including the essay questions in Section 10 to make the scholarship .
  2. Potential awardees will be required to complete an application form. Applications are accepted between January 1st and April 30th of every year.
  3. Completed applications are reviewed by the AFNA Scholarship Selection Board (SSB) and the decision of the Board is final.
Will the scholarship be for a specified time period or for the entire duration of the course?

A scholarship once awarded will be until the completion of the academic year for which it was awarded. Scholarship shall be renewed for the next academic year if the awardee meets the criteria listed below:

  1. The awardee will need to reapply for renewal of the scholarship for the new academic year.
  2. The awardee will need to obtain a clear promotion to the next academic year per the institution’s criteria.
  3. Good conduct and regularity in attendance certified by the Head of the College/Institution would be required. In case of low attendance, applications may be considered based on explanation by the student.
  4. The applicant continues the course as a regular student until the completion of the course. If the applicant discontinues the course, he/she should inform AKADAMICS immediately and the scholarship will be discontinued.
  5. AFNA Scholarship Selection Board (SSB) for AKADAMICS will have the final authority on scholarship renewals.
How will the scholarship be paid?
  1. The scholarship is paid in 4 equal installments in a year.
  2. The scholarship matches the schedule of an academic year in Assam (starts in July of an academic year and ends in and July of the following year).
  3. The scholarship is deposited to the bank account of the awardees. Awardees must have a bank account in a recognized bank.
Will an awardee be allowed to avail scholarship from other sources?

If the scholarship amount does not cover the entire expenses of the course pursued, the awardee will be allowed to avail scholarship from other sources.

What are the key dates and deadlines?
  1. Applications Open for 2025-2026 – Jan 1st, 2025
  2. Last Date for Application Submission (Online or Paper) for 2025-2026 session – May 31st, 2025
  3. Last Date for Documentation Submission (from the requested applicants) – July 31st, 2025
  4. Scholarship Announcement - Aug 31st, 2025
What evidence will need to be provided to support an applicant’s financial status?
  1. Where parents' of applicants are employees, a salary/pay slip from the employer is mandatory. The salary/pay slip should clearly show the family member's gross monthly salary with full details of his/her basic salary and all allowances and deductions. The employer and the facilitator should certify the pay slip. Submission of an Income certificate from a local or other government authority in lieu of a salary/pay slip is not acceptable.
  2. Where parent(s)/guardian(s) are retirees/pensioners, a pension statement from the pension authority and/or from an authorized bank showing the gross monthly pension of the family member, inclusive of any supplementary allowances and before any deductions is required. Pensioners should also provide documents to show the official status or designation, gross salary drawn at the time of retirement and the name of the employing organization. If the parent/guardian has recently retired under a voluntary retirement scheme, reasons for retirement, and amount of lump sum benefits received on retirement should be disclosed.
  3. Where parent(s)/guardian(s) are in business or self-employed, income certificate issued by any government authority or the income tax return should be submitted in support of the gross family income specified in the application. Specific details of the nature and size of the business or self-employment should also be provided.
  4. Where parent(s)/guardian(s) are agriculturists or have farming or cultivation as their source of income, an income certificate from a recognized or competent authority should be submitted. Details of the nature and size of the land holding, crops grown, etc. wet or dry land irrigation should also be provided.
Who can help with completing the application form?

Instructions are provided with the application form. For additional help with completing the form, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Where should the application form be sent to?

The application form can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mailed to:

4391 McMenemy Street,
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127, USA